Provide the banks Taiwan dollar deposit account inquiry, agreed and non-contracted transfer, payment of various fees and taxes, loan inquiry and payment, foreign exchange deposit inquiry and transaction, credit card bill and payment inquiry, fund inquiry and transaction, intelligent customer service and online number pick-up and other functions
(僅適用Android 6.0版本以上(含6.0)手機,不適用Android系統平板)即日起,本行網路銀行個人戶可直接使用APP開通行動網銀查詢功能,但若需使用行動網銀交易功能,仍需至本行各營業單位臨櫃申請相關轉帳機制才能使用。合作金庫銀行提供下列各項便利的服務,建議使用者需安裝至最新作業系統版本:1.提供本行臺幣存款帳戶餘額及明細查詢、約定及非約定帳戶轉帳、繳交各項公用事業費及稅款、借款查詢及繳款、外匯存款查詢及交易、查詢本行信用卡帳單及繳款、VISA金融卡帳單查詢、基金查詢及交易、智能客服及線上取號等功能。2.最新消息提供本行各項業務最新消息。3.金融資訊提供本行黃金存摺牌價、外幣匯率、臺/外幣之存/放款利率、票券/債券利率及理財金庫等資訊。4.線上櫃檯提供醫療服務、產壽險服務、服務據點、相關線上申請作業及預約投保等服務。醫療服務:提供合作醫院醫療資訊查詢及繳費功能。產壽險服務:提供合作產險公司保險資訊查詢及繳費功能。5.合庫APP使用權限說明: (1)位置:服務據點需使用該權限。 (2)相機:繳稅費卡款服務使用掃描條碼需使用該權限。 (3)電話:撥打分行及客服等服務之電話需使用該權限。 (4)通知:推播服務功能需使用該權限。 (5)行動數據:網路功能需使用該權限。 (6)儲存空間:繳稅費卡款服務使用該權限。**當你使用本服務,部份功能會需要接收並存取敏感性資料,資料由使用者自行決定是否提供。敏感性資料包含:身分證字號、使用者代號、密碼、轉帳帳號、信用卡號碼、電話、出生年月日、地址及電子郵件信箱。**若您要關閉部分權限,本行將無法提供您完整的合庫行動網銀服務。您可於手機裝置中自行設定關閉部分權限,說明如下:「設定」→「應用程式」→「合作金庫銀行」→「許可」或「權限」中關閉各項權限。**相關資訊可至本行官網查詢或歡迎來電客服詢問,感謝你!客服電話:0800-033175, 04-22273131合作金庫提醒您,建議安裝正版防毒軟體以提昇行動裝置的安全性(Only applicable to mobile phones with Android version 6.0 or above (including 6.0), not applicable to Android system tablets)From now on, the Banks online banking personal accounts can directly use the APP to activate the mobile online banking inquiry function, but if they want to use the mobile online banking transaction function, they still need to apply for the relevant transfer mechanism at the counter of each business unit of the Bank before they can use it.Cooperative Vault Bank provides the following convenient services, users are advised to install the latest operating system version:1. Provide the banks Taiwan dollar deposit account balance and details inquiry, agreed and non-contracted account transfer, payment of various utility fees and taxes, loan inquiry and payment, foreign exchange deposit inquiry and transaction, inquiry of the banks credit card statement And payment, VISA financial card bill inquiry, fund inquiry and transaction, intelligent customer service and online number retrieval and other functions.2. Latest NewsProvides the latest news of the Banks various businesses.3. Financial informationProvides information on the Banks gold passbook prices, foreign currency exchange rates, Taiwan/foreign currency deposit/lending interest rates, coupon/bond interest rates, wealth management treasury and other information.4. Online counterProvide services such as medical services, property and casualty insurance services, service locations, related online application operations, and insurance appointments.Medical Services: Provides the functions of medical information inquiry and payment of cooperative hospitals.Property and casualty insurance services: provide insurance information inquiry and payment functions of cooperative property and casualty insurance companies.5. Description of the permission to use the Heku APP: (1) Location: This permission is required for service bases. (2) Camera: This permission is required to scan barcodes for tax payment service. (3) Telephone: This authority is required to make calls to branch and customer service services. (4) Notification: This permission is required for the push service function. (5) Action data: This permission is required for network functions. (6) Storage space: This permission is used by the tax payment card service.**When you use this service, some functions will need to receive and access sensitive information, and it is up to the user to decide whether to provide the information.Sensitive information includes: ID number, user ID, password, transfer account number, credit card number, phone number, date of birth, address and email address.**If you want to close some of the permissions, the Bank will not be able to provide you with the complete mobile online banking service. You can disable some permissions by setting your own settings on your mobile device. The instructions are as follows:"Settings" → "Apps" → "Cooperative Vault Bank" → "Permissions" or "Permissions" to close each permission.**Relevant information can be found on our official website welcome to call customer service to inquire, thank you!Customer Service Tel: 0800-033175, 04-22273131Cooperative Vault reminds you that it is recommended to install genuine antivirus software to enhance the security of your mobile device本次新增功能如下:1.調整信用卡開卡掛失服務。2.其他服務優化與精進。
在網路銀行的服務範疇大概很難再找到比貴行的數位帳戶與網銀APP更魎光的服務品質與限制及存在的陷阱了!如果還得百忙中跑到實體銀行去處理這些限制,解除甚至因此而陷入的陷阱,我幹嘛去多申請多一個數位帳戶!存款可以允許全額自網銀APP 轉入數位帳戶,確反而卡在自家的數位帳戶動彈不得!簡直就是詐欺!
no English interface, it's unusable for anybody who can`t read Chinese.
Can't translate in english
Many problems using this APP, can't log in
為什麼要一堆權限 其他的都不需要 轉帳只能轉到同一個帳戶是要轉屁
可以增加支援Android的臉部辨識登入嗎? 感恩